December Sales Champ

The sales champ for December 2016 is Mike Brown!
Image of ScholarBuys employee Mike Brown


Mike’s biggest focus in December was working with institutions that had renewals late in the month. This was critical to focus on due to the holiday season. Institutions usually close the last one or two weeks of the year and it is important to have certain tasks finished before faculty and staff leave. Technology is one of those tasks that is highly important because the school could not function properly without it. Mike made sure any technology was updated and ready for the new year.


The technology that Mike is looking forward to promoting and learning about in the new year is Dropbox. ScholarBuys recently became partners with Dropbox. Dropbox allows schools to share documents over cloud from anywhere on any device.

“Many institutions are already using [Dropbox] technologies. It’s great to provide them with more information about their educational offerings and how it helps reduce the cost of secure file sharing, sync, and storage solutions.”

At ScholarBuys we pride ourselves on being the Academic Technology Experts and it is always exciting to learn about a new technology that schools can use or are already using and be able to provide updated information to schools.
Image of Dropbox Education logo
Congrats to Mike! Stay tuned next month for more updates in 2017!

If you have any questions about a product or would like to request a quote, please contact your Academic Technology Expert.
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