EANS (Emergency Assistance to Nonpublic Schools) is $2.75 billion allocated to nonpublic elementary and secondary schools as part of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. EANS I funding is prioritized to those non-public schools that enroll low-income students and are most impacted by COVID-19. There is a second round of an additional $2.75 billion in funding that was recently approved and should be available in the coming future for non-public schools.
ScholarBuys is your one-stop source for all technology-related items to use your EANS funding; from Chromebooks, Laptops, Desktops, Charging Carts/Stations, accessories, software and more. We can help outfit your current classrooms with licensing and hardware or even help plan for a device refresh.
Listed below are a few ways you can utilize your EANS funding:
PC Desktops/Laptops
Google Workspace Upgraded licenses
Interactive Display Panels
Charging Carts/Stations
Anti-Virus/Anti–Malware Security Software
Video Conferencing Devices
Adobe Licensing
Microsoft Office, Windows, and Server Licensing