The Sales Champ for September is Darren Shahinian!
Darren’s focus for the month of September was making sure consortia members that participate in group volume licensing programs were all set for their 2016-2017 renewals. These licensing agreements are crucial as this software is used on a day to day basis and it is important to stay in compliance. Darren worked closely with the manufacturers to stay informed about any updates to the licensing so he could inform the schools in advance to prepare for the change. This helped stream-line the process to make the renewal seamless.
Success Story
With the addition of several schools over the summer to the Microsoft Agreement in place for members of the Michigan Independent Colleges and Universities, we were able to work closely with Microsoft to provide a more advantageous pricing tier for the entire group of schools that participate in MICU’s EES group purchasing program. This required that we work closely with new and existing schools participating in the agreement to ensure that all of the necessary steps were taken to provide this pricing advantage.
There has been a lot of interest in education to move more workloads to the cloud. Darren has been excited about discussing these initiatives with his customers, and positioning Microsoft’s Azure platform for cloud computing and hosted services.