Esports in Education

Esports continues to grow in popularity with both K-12 and Higher Education

Hello everyone, this is Darren with ScholarBuys and I just wanted to spend a few minutes talking about Esports in education. This is a topic that has really ballooned in popularity over the last few years. Not just in Higher Education, but also in K-12. We are seeing schools really start to implement strategies for adopting Esports programs at their institution. Developing different gaming labs and places for students to come together, collaborate, and develop teamworking skills. Also, potentially skills that take them beyond education. It is really exciting to see this grow across the country and we are here to help. If you institution is interested in exploring where to get started with Esports. Whether it is from a technology standpoint and preparing a space for your students to be able to use more high end hardware like graphics cards that are required for some of the games that are being played in the Esports realm these days. ScholarBuys can help you navigate that and really help you to create a plan for your institution on how to develop an Esports program that has really turned into a very major recruiting tool for academic institutions. We are really excited to have some conversations around this and if your institution has any questions, feel free to reach out to myself, or your dedicated resource at the ScholarBuys team. Thanks so much and we look forward to speaking with you!
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