Federation Microsoft Azure Workshop

Image of Microsoft Banner including a college student

Name of Event: Federation Microsoft Azure Workshop

Date: 11/18/2016
ScholarBuys Attendees: Brendon and Bob

Brendon and Bob traveled to downtown Chicago to host this workshop with Microsoft. This workshop was attended by members of the Federation of Independent Colleges & Universities (FIICU). The event was centered on the Azure platform, and discussed what cloud and/or hybrid deployment can bring to your school. Various specialists from Microsoft, Airnet Group, Veeam, and Barracuda all presented during the workshop to discuss various topics related to Azure.
Image of ScholarBuys event in Chicago

The event was broken into two separate sessions. The first was a business level discussion on Azure for IT leadership, titled ‘Why Cloud, Why Now’. This focused on how Higher Education institutions can reduce costs with cloud deployment, how they can collaborate with partners to manage infrastructure, while having security, accessibility, and flexibility at their fingertips. The second session was a series of technical labs for System Administrators to provide them with hands-on experience in Azure. This was led by a trainer with a focus in Higher Education and took attendees from knowing little-to-nothing about the cloud, to actually deploying Virtual Machines and services to the cloud.

Image of ScholarBuys Microsoft Professional Development event in Chicago, Illinois

ScholarBuys hosts events such as these throughout the year to help members of these institutions stay up to date on new technologies, changes in licensing, and to connect with technical specialists. If you have any questions about Azure please contact us today!


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